Sunday, May 29, 2011

Word to the Wise.

I went out, intentionally leaving my umbrella at home thinking "I will surely be back before that forecasted rain".


That is what I get for ignoring the forecasting and leaving behind my rain resitent covering because it was "too heavy". I ended up with a decent amount of wet from a nearly two-mile walk.

I also got to chat with one of closest friends tonight, Breana. I love this girl to the max. You know that person you can call anytime you feel like it? She's that person. We've been friends since our freshman year of high school. We have recieved write-ups together (oh gym class, our first meet) for skipping classes, I think I recall serving a detention once together for a different class..(probably tardies or who knows what), joined the history club with our favorite teacher Mr. Clemmons (best class ever..seroiusly, this man made me fall in love with history in his ever-so creative methods...Making jokes of ourselves in front of the tennis team after-school as we gave our hand at the sport..and blaring our music and dancing in our parked cars in the parking lots..taco bells runs..Shoe-polish wars..getting pulled over..laughter and tears..oh the list could go on. I think a blgo post dedicated to this girl is in the near future.

Anyway..I tell Breana pretty much everything I can think of. She knows me quite well, to say the least, and tonight I got to talk to her on the phone about my emotional semester. One thing that came up, was wisdom. I was reminded of how wisdom is gained. It is gained through study, asking and experience, most of all. For example, my story of the unbrella taught me to never ignore the warnings of the weather forcast again if I am walking a long distance. I think the greatest wisdom is gained through experience. Godly wisdome does not come easy, it comes with a price. Making mistakes and humilty are one form as well as suffering. I personally think they go hand-in-hand. If we think about it, as we grow older we experience more and learn more. One may ask the ever-fun epistemological question "Well how do you know?" (its not really obnoxious, only if asked in sarcasm or if the asker is really dense on the subject) Much of the time we can answer based on the fact that we have been there. "Been there, done that" as some say. We learn from our mistakes, we learn from circumstances given to us. Its not easy. Its not easy nor encouraging to feel the shame from a blundering move we've made or something said without thought or care. However, we do remember it, and we (hopefully as we gain wisdom), do not repeat the same mistake. This semester I can say I have gained wisdom yet again, in the areas of friendship and relationships. A never ending journey which I will not reach the end of while on this earth. Through trial and error I learned what to be as a friend, and what not to be. A friend loves at all times, and a friend truly doth stick closer than a brother, if he is a true friend. Of course I will disappoint, and so will they but the foundations and principles remain the same. I should surround myself with other wise friends, who challenge me, spiritually encourage me, emotionally support me, build up, and dare to confront. That is one of the hardest tasks to carry out. Always. A wise friend asks the hard questions and confronts the concerns and wrongs. Had it done to me, and Ive had to do it this semester. Oh it hurts, both ways. I agonize over confrontation. It gives me ulcers. However, if I am to remain a true friend, I must accept and give out. I despise it, but conflict will continue to arise, especially in ministry. Wisdom is much needed in relaionships..
I gratefully enjoy being reminded of the words penned in Proverbs regarding wisdom. Wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord. Revernece and worship for Him are the first step in advancing in wisdom. We are told to not keep companions of fools but surround ourselves with the wise. We are told ot listen to instruction and advice. Do not follow your own path, but the Lord's. Don't make hasty decisons.Wisdom brings life.

Gaining wisdom and discernment is not easy. I like asking questions and learning from those who have walked before me. I really love learning, truly.(Confessions of an acadamic nerd) And I ask questions to all my professors outside of class (true story, class seems to intimidate me to much..too many humans in one room to hear me speak and choke up on my words because I fear crowds and large groups.) I also like learning of people. Who are you and whats your story? (The fidiest in me emerges). People have stories all given to them, and I like to know more.I also like to know details. I ask questions that may make people squirm..the naturally skeptic self reveals itself constantly it seems..I question many a thing, which seems to drive some mad, but I cannot take everything at face vulue and be satisfied. It is as if my ears are trained and ready for red flags. Everyone's favorite classic killjoy, may I be. I never mean for a person to doubt himself or such, or offend anyone ever, but It I like to understand people's presuppositions as well as help them understand their own. I am not always skilled at that, but it comes about in varoius ways. Outside of asking, I have been crushed and perplexed, at a loss of understanding many a time. Right now, what does August behold for me? Where do I go? I need wisdom. All the time. I have rabbit-trailed several times in this post. That is what happens when a million thoughts all at once gather together for the midnight cry.

Wisdom. So much to be learned of you and from you. I ask the Lord for it, and gain it in ways unexpected. Oh that I may know the depths of widsom from heaven, and to carry that all the days of my life. Wisdom, may it never leave my side as it carries me along in santification. Wisdom, a precious gift gained through anguish, distress and affliction. As the writhing soul cries out in utter desperation to be rescused from its tormenter and afflicter, may it remember a reward ending in wisdom. To agony: you will be replaced by a holy knowledge and understanding. Perception and good judement gained. Torment and anguish replaced by prudence and discernment. I express gratitude to the Lord for this great gift. That we by nature, fools leading fools, may now be granted godly wisdom, is that not such a blessed thought?

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