Finals week. Emotions run high. Lots going on this week.
I didn't get job 2 more to go? I worry. I fret. I freak out. However, God is still God. He is in control. He is sovereign. He knows what He is doing. He has a plan, purpose. Who knows why He has hasn't immediately provided for me, however He still knows my needs. He cares. I just need to trust. Let go. Hold things loosely. Trust. Have faith.
Sometimes, I find myself being the "Martha", "do it all" woman. Loneliness creeps in. I "do things" but when it comes down to it, I easily find myself alone, after the day is done. I sat in the SDR today, hearing conversations about what people do together for fun. The texts that I don't get, the "I haven't seen you in forever" remarks. Maybe I do to much? Where is the balance? I mean, work and studying is a must, but other things that I choose, choir, ministry team, church, my major, these things can prevent a social life for one. I sigh, but I know its all ok. Maybe I should make relationships a priority again?
My emotions are whack this week. Again I say, thats ok. I have 5 finals, I can make it. I really can.
I'm glad God is so good to me. Even when I fail, He still holds on to me.
found you! will miss you tons girl...