Thursday, June 2, 2011

Transition. Next Chapter..turning the page..

Ok, Here’s the story:

I knew my last semester of college was upon me, and being the plan ahead, choleric type I am, I began to figure out the next step. My plans have changed slightly throughout this year and I decided to take a year off to work while taking time to apply to seminary. I began searching for a full-time job back in February. I had a few interviews here and there for full-time nanny jobs in Chicago, applications out and waiting to see what was next. Around March I inquired on a teaching position for an elementary school in Slovakia that I had discovered through Moody. I gave them a little info on myself and then told them I am not interested in overseas work at this time. Well, time has passed. I have had two people tell me they want to hire me, but need me to begin in the beginning of June. Summer school cut right in. Very frustrating. I knew I needed to be in Summer school, that way I would be guaranteed to finish my degree but needless to say, I was disappointed. Well, literally about two weeks ago, the school contacted me again. I assumed they filled their position because they took their posting off of Moody’s career webpage, but they asked if I had changed my mind. I pondered it, and thought it would be worth a shot. I skyped an interview, which I thought went terrible in my mind, sent my full resume in and waited. Monday morning, an offer came. Shocking. Whirlwind. Head spinning still.. The best part: I had one week to decide. I have been in a spin all week. Being the Skeptic I am, I thought it was too good to be true. I began asking question upon question, and in the past few days have uncovered much:

Its paid, not a lot, but enough to live on. Teacher’s salary, but sufficient.
They help me with housing, and I will have roommates.
I have been in contact with my new future American co-worker, and she has lived in Slovakia for four years as a missionary, and has been very helpful this week. Bonus: she is from Texas 
I have also been in contact with the American couple who has been teaching there for two years, they have also been extremely helpful and I look forward to meeting them this fall.
Two American families from ywam? (Spelling check..) are around
The school is associated with a church and there is a youth group I can be help out with.
I will have health insurance.
They know what Celiacs is.
My visa is being paid for, possibly my plane ticket.
Slovakia is next to Ukraine, so visits will come 
I am living in Europe.
I will teach 4-6 six grade ESL
Vacations exist.
Did I mention I will be living in Europe for a year?

The downsides are, only having 2 months left in Chicago and trying to figure out a trip to Texas. I will miss Chicago dearly, and all my friends in family scattered between Texas and Chicago. But, I am not going to ramble about that right now. I do realize that there will be challenges, and time of discouragement to come. I have been rationalizing this and not trying to over romanticize this idea. Many prayers, and tears have been in this process. I am very excited about this opportunity. I have sought counsel from my parents, church and a few select others and this seems to be God’s will. I am still in utter bewilderment, and I still feel like I am in a dream. Surreal. I cannot believe God has presented this to me. I could not have come up with this on my own. His ways surely are higher than mine and his plans very different. I am leaving comfortable Chicago to go actually use my degree (which is very exciting!) to go learn a new culture, new language and new ministry. Holding things loosely still, but I am anticipating the next few months. Well, I have a million things to do it seems, and I could elaborate so much more. God is so wonderful, and I am very thrilled about this. More details to come soon. I will be sending out letters and such and if anyone wants to contact me please do!!

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